Tree Hui Membership
Directly fund the planting of native trees in Hawai'i plus so much more as a Tree Hui member.
We know that some members of the Livin' Aloha movement want to help us plant trees in Hawai'i without purchasing products, which is why we created our Tree Hui program. Think of it like Hawai'i tree-planting as a service. Simply choose how many trees you want to contribute and we'll do the rest.
What is the Tree Hui Program?
As a purpose-driven business and a brand on a mission, Livin' Aloha is unable to accept donations. The Tree Hui Program was introduced so that you, our supporter, can directly fund the tree seedlings that volunteers plant throughout Hawai'i in addition to several other important pieces of our operation. Think of it as a service. You choose how many trees you want to have planted in Hawai'i, we send you a certificate to confirm your support, and our tree planting crews get to work and plant those trees on your behalf.
The Livin' Aloha Tree Hui is similar to a patrons-based membership program. Benefactors can contribute at different levels and ascend the tree hui tree of stewardship to achieve higher levels of impact. The more trees you are responsible for contributing, either through Tree Hui or purchasing products from the shop, the greater your impact, and the more recognition, access, and perks you will receive as one of our top champions.
Since the very beginning, members of the Livin' Aloha movement have requested a way to help support our overall operations and plant more native trees in Hawai'i without having to receive a physical product and so Tree Hui is our answer.
Why is it called Tree Hui?
When you the Livin' Aloha Tree Hui, you’re doing a lot more than helping to contribute a tree seedling to be planted by the team of volunteers from the University of Hawai'i. You’re also supporting our entire tree planting operation by funding new equipment, volunteer supplies, planting crews, facilities, development of tree planting reforestation technologies, agricultural advancements, product innovation, awareness driving tactics, advocacy efforts, and more. There is a lot that goes into restoring Hawai'i forests, and with your support, our crews are able to address Hawaii's critical impact zones, grow and transport more tree seedlings, and maintain the seedling growth facilities that nurture the tree babies that volunteers ultimately plant. Together we can restore Hawaii's precious ecosystems.
How much does Tree Hui cost?
Tree Hui is available to patrons at a variety of levels, with $10 being the minimum viable amount.
Is this a tax deductible donation to Livin' Aloha?
No. As a purpose-driven business Livin' Aloha is unable to accept donations so your purchase of Tree Hui is not tax deductible.
Why am I being charged tax?
If you see sales tax on your Tree Hui purchase, it is because your locality requires the collection of sales tax on services provided. While we wish no one was ever impacted by additional fees or taxes, this is unfortunately out of our control.
How is this different from planting a tree with every product I buy?
There are a few key differences. The first is that this program allows you to contribute more trees to be planted at one time. If you wanted you could single-handedly help us plant and restore entire forests! Since this is a service, you are not receiving a physical product. That means no cost of goods, no packaging, and no shipping, which reduces your personal carbon footprint while maximizing your support of our mission.
How do I know you contributed trees on my behalf?
The tree-planting lab at the University of Hawai'i keeps track of this, and we also keep track of it in real-time using our Tree Tracker which is publicly available. Each time there is a tree-planting event, the University and event organizers follow a strict process to ensure everything is done legally and safely.
How soon do I receive my email certificate?
Immediately after checkout, you’ll receive an email that confirms your Livin' Aloha Tree Hui membership. It will include a certificate that can easily be shared on your social media channels or even printed.
Can I customize my email certificate or track my specific trees?
Right now, we do not have the ability to create customized certificates but are working diligently to change that. In the future, we look forward to include both your name (or the name of the person you’re gifting a Tree Hui membership) and your Tree Hui level. Your tree contributions will not be tracked in regards to specific trees or planting sites, and there is no way to know what type of tree seedling will be grown or when exactly it will be planted.
Can I purchase a Tree Hui membership as a gift?
Yes. However, we are not yet capable of having a gift recipient's name added to the certificate. Our suggestion is to purchase the Tree Hui membership you would like to give, receive your certificate, and send that certificate separately to your gift recipient either digitally or by mail.
Who actually plants the trees in Hawai'i?
Volunteers with the Carbon Neutrality Challenge at the University of Hawai'i. There are tree planting opportunities throughout the year and all are invited.
Why is planting trees in Hawai'i so important?
Climate change is the #1 environmental threat of our generation, and that's especially true here in Hawai'i.
Over millions of years, Hawaii’s native forests evolved to become one of the Earth’s most unique and abundant biological treasures, home to more than 10,000 unique species, 90% of which don’t exist anywhere else in the world, including more than 175 different native tree species. We are truly the green jewel of the Pacific.
Hawai’i also has the only tropical rainforests in the US, and by far the most endemic species per capita on the planet.
Sadly, since human arrival 1000 years ago, Hawaii’s rich wildlife and the forests that support it have been reduced by more than 50%, and this negative trend is getting worse as climate change increases.
As a result, Hawai’i claims more than 1/3rd of the animals on the U.S. Endangered Species List, and when you include insects, nearly 60% of Hawaii’s total wildlife is endangered, by far the highest percentage of any state.
The accelerating negative consequences of human-caused climate change are threatening to destroy Hawaii's precious ecosystems forever, making the islands unrecognizable and unlivable to future generations of humans, plants, and animals. We cannot allow this to happen.
Where does the money go?
Your funds go directly to our overall tree planting operation and enable us to plant more trees in Hawai'i. Here are a few things you make possible.
- Tree Seedlings --Your funds always helps to fund tree seedlings to plant.
- Equipment -- Having the right equipment and tools is essential and helps tree plantings be as efficient as possible. From seed to irrigation.
- Breathing Pots
- Seedling Trays
- Rain Catchers
- Threshing Machines
- Irrigation Equipment
- Facilities -- Tree planting operations require greenhouses, equipment storage, and mobile command centers for planting crews and volunteers.
- Planting Crews -- Tree plantings are a major operation and require crews and staff members that care deeply about the mission and restoring Hawai'i ecosystems.
- Advocacy -- Ensuring the Livin' Aloha movement continues to grow is extremely important to our mission. It not only helps to ensure we are funded, it also helps to change public behavior and legislation related to Hawai'i conservation and ecosystem restoration.
- Education -- The tree-planting initiative was originally started as a program that would empower parents, teachers, and students to come together to give back to their community while experiencing rich hands-on learning opportunities. Continuing to raise awareness is vital to ending Hawai'i ecosystem degradation and switching to a restoration mindset. This includes hosting and participating in events, social media content, school visits, web series, online classes and more.
- Research + Development -- Our product innovation specialists work hard to introduce sustainably sourced and ethically manufactured products, as well as developing new tree-planting technology such as the breathing pots patented by Dr. Camilo Mora which help to streamline our tree planting operations and achieve higher impact with plantings.
Does planting more trees in Hawai'i really help?
Planting trees is the single best way to off-set your carbon emissions while preserving and restoring Hawai'i's precious ecosystems for future generations. .
The ultimate solution to climate change is carbon neutrality – when our CO2 emissions are equal to the emissions removed. Planting trees is the single best way to off-set carbon emissions, AND, it's the best way to restore and preserve Hawaii's unique ecosystems.
The Carbon Neutrality Challenge is simple. Plant trees. Reforest Hawai'i. Go Carbon Neutral. Solve climate change. Preserve Hawai'i ecosystems for future generations.
The solution is not only bringing back the ecosystems themselves, but also bringing back the deep reverence for the natural world that permeated ancient life in old Hawai’i, and allowing us to recognize our responsibilities as servants of the place, rather than the other way around. “He ali‘i no ka ‘aina, he kauwā ke kanaka” (the island is chief, the human is but a servant).
Your contribution matters. Leave a Hawai'i legacy to be proud of. Hawai'i needs heroes. Be one by joining the Tree Hui now.
When you buy this product right now, you’re getting more than just an awesome product -- you’re helping us to plant 1 million native trees in Hawai’i by 2030.
Every Livin' Aloha product you buy plants a tree in Hawai’i. It’s super simple. You buy this product now, we donate a native tree to the Carbon Neutrality Lab at the University of Hawai’i to be planted by our volunteers throughout the year. The more products you buy, the more trees we plant!
Join the community and shop with a mission! Livin' Aloha is all about awesome people coming together and celebrating the daily practice of aloha and giving back to the islands we all cherish. Livin’ Aloha is a beachin’ family brand from Maui on a big mission to protect and restore Hawai'i’s wildlife and ecosystems. You’re guaranteed to love it!